We’re here to help... Ring now on 01420 84501
Machine Servicing.
Areas we collect from.

01420 84501

Our Services
Happy to help
Centre Services

We will Service and Repair most makes and models of Sewing machines and overlockers made after 1886.


As an independent company we have 2 full time machine engineers with over 50 years of sewing machine repairs & servicing experience between them. Working in our workshop based in Alton Hampshire.

We are happy to deal with basic hand machines up to the latest electronics machines including hoop embroidery  machines and software. Our engineers have been trained by the manufactures and are certified to carry out warranty repairs in our workshops.

To arrange to have your Sewing machine or Overlocker, Repaired or Serviced

just call :-  01420 84501

or email eileen@altonsewingservices.co.uk

We will arrange to collect your machine & return it when the work is completed.